Home > INFO GAME > Get reward from UniPin
Get reward from UniPin
Posted on Thursday, September 1, 2011 by oni
After spoiling the gamers with a variety of interesting promo in the month of Ramadan, this time unipin comes with a new feature called "unipin Reward System" as a token of appreciation to all gamers unipin Indonesia.
What is a unipin Reward System?
Unipin Reward System is a unique way of appreciating unipin for gamers who have supported their products and services. When gamers purchase unipin Credit, then they will earn reward points. Collect points and unipin have provided prizes to be exchanged.
How do gamers collect reward points unipin?
When you buy unipin Credit, you will automatically earn reward points and the points will be recorded in account unipin. Every purchase Vouchers unipin Rp 10.000, - will earn 10 Reward Points and the applicable multiplier.
Here is a list of calculations reward points and prizes that can be exchanged:
* Exchange Voucher 10.000 UC - use 500 reward points
* Exchange Voucher 20.000 UC - use 900 reward points
* Exchange Voucher 50.000 UC - use 2.000 reward points
* Exchange Voucher UC 100.000 - 3.500 using reward points
* Exchange BlackBerry Bold 9780 - using 300 000 reward points
* Exchange iPad2 16GB + Wifi - use 400 000 reward points.
How to exchange reward points with a gift?
* Visit www.unipin.co.id
* Log into your account UniPass.
* Mouse over the menu Rewards
* Choose your desired gift
* Click the Redeem button.
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