Home > INFO GAME > Contributors Gamebox Best Online Game
Contributors Gamebox Best Online Game
Posted on Monday, July 11, 2011 by oni
Prizes: 1 pc Nintendo Wii.
How to follow and provisions:
Contributing make gamebox (example: you can see here)
Which must be included in gamebox is, a brief description of the game and its superior features.
Gamebox minimal descriptions are composed of 70 words
Include information publisher, developer, release date, the ESRB rating, genre and type of console for gaming related.
Include at least 5 screenshots of the game's image with size 800 x 600 pixels and jpg format. In the screenshot it should not be any watermark from other gaming sites.
If there is an equal contribution from two different people (or more), which is considered valid is the first article received editorial.
Send it to kontribusi@kotakgame.com,
with email subject: [gamebox contributor].
Example: [contributors gamebox] Rohan Online: Blood Feud.
Members who most often puts the contribution of the online gaming gamebox entitled to the main prize of a Nintendo Wii.
Two runners up each entitled to one MP3 player
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