Cheat CityVille Facebook Latest 2011 Games

Cheat CityVille Facebook Latest 2011 Games

Zynga recently released the newest game Cityville facebook game, this game started rame maenkan especially by any women who like the same fb maen game online. One's desire to increase the level or the money in the gaming Cityville this makes a lot of people need Cityville cheat in order to increase the level quickly.
This is a Cheat CityVille Terbaru 2011 ikuli cheatnya steps to work smoothly:

 Required Tools:

* Pluginsphp [Download]
* Charles [Download]

Well, this cash allows you to equip your building without having to send the request of friends. Cash will not be saved but the building will be recorded when completed. Building Society to increase the population on facebook Cityville this game.

* Open the Charles
* Enter CityVille [play now]
* Go to the first Charles and find the line ""
* Expanding and you will see 'flashservices /'
* Expand and you will see a lot gateway.php (FlashService ...)
* Right-click one gateway.php and select "Breakpoints"
* Now, reload CityVille.
* A Breakpoint tab will appear on the Charles.
* Press the EXECUTE once.
* Another Breakpoint will appear with tabs Edit Request
* Expand it until you can view your own profile by the number of coins and cash you have.
* Change the value of the cash for 100
* Return to your session tab and remove the breakpoint.
* Back to the breakpoint tab and click the Execute
* The game will now load and you will see your new cash. Spend them on community building now because they will be lost.

Hopefully Cheat City Ville Terbaru 2011 is able to work and can be utilized properly. May be useful for you all who seek it. To cheat Cityville updetan through facebook please click the love / like on the right side of the blog thank you.

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